From Cost Savings to Environmental Impact: The Advantages of Choosing Recertified Lab Equipment
This blog emphasizes the advantages of selecting recertified lab equipment, which includes cost savings, environmental impact reduction, and quality assurance. Choosing recertified equipment from reputable dealers can provide researchers and lab managers with reliable equipment at a fraction of the cost of new equipment while reducing the environmental impact of scientific research.

Recertified lab equipment offers numerous benefits, including significant cost savings and environmental impact reduction. In this article, we'll dive into the advantages of choosing recertified lab equipment over new equipment from the perspective of sustainability and the environment.

Environmental Impact

The manufacture and disposal of scientific equipment require significant resources, energy, and raw materials, which can have a significant carbon footprint. By choosing recertified equipment, you're reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and minimizing the impact on the environment. Additionally, some recertified equipment is refurbished with sustainable parts, such as energy-efficient motors, which further reduces energy consumption and carbon emissions. Choosing recertified lab equipment over new equipment can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of scientific research. According to one estimate, the production of a single new microscope can generate as much as 2,000 pounds of carbon emissions. By choosing recertified equipment, you can reduce these emissions and make a positive impact on the environment.

Cost Savings

Another significant advantage of choosing recertified lab equipment is cost savings. Recertified equipment is significantly cheaper than new equipment, making it an attractive option for research labs and facilities operating on a tight budget. With recertified equipment, you can purchase high-quality, reliable equipment at a fraction of the cost of buying new. This can free up funds for other research needs, such as personnel or consumables. For example, a recertified centrifuge can cost up to 50% less than a new centrifuge, while a recertified HPLC system can save over $20,000 compared to a new system. These savings can be significant, particularly for smaller research labs or startups that may not have the budget for new equipment.

Quality Assurance

One common misconception about recertified equipment is that it's of lower quality than new equipment. However, this is not the case. Most reputable recertified equipment dealers put the equipment through rigorous testing, inspection, and certification processes to ensure that it meets the original manufacturer's standards. In some cases, recertified equipment may be in better condition than new equipment because it has undergone a more thorough inspection and refurbishment process. When you purchase recertified equipment from a reputable dealer, you can be confident that you're getting high-quality, reliable equipment that has been thoroughly inspected and certified. Additionally, most recertified equipment comes with a warranty or guarantee, which can provide added peace of mind.


In conclusion, choosing recertified lab equipment over new equipment offers numerous advantages, including environmental impact reduction, cost savings, and quality assurance. When you purchase recertified equipment from a reputable dealer, you can be confident that you're getting high-quality, reliable equipment that has been thoroughly inspected and certified. Additionally, by choosing recertified equipment, you're doing your part to reduce the environmental impact of scientific research, which benefits everyone. In a world where sustainability and cost savings are increasingly important considerations, recertified lab equipment offers an attractive solution for researchers and lab managers. By choosing recertified equipment, you can make a positive impact on the environment while also saving money and getting the high-quality equipment you need to conduct your research effectively.